How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

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How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by dubdub »

I'm talking about the actual notes played, ie. the MIDI information, not the sound. I'm curious because I feel like I still haven't found the perfect interface to play in the notes for my tracks. I've never liked the traditional (hardware) piano layout very much, it's design is quite arbitrary to a layman and it always takes my back to my forced piano lessons when I was like 8 years old and I can't write anything decent when I'm in front of one :lol: On the other hand, drawing in notes on the piano roll doesn't feel tactile and spontaneous enough. I've taken a liking to playing stuff on the Push recently, it's layout is quite nice because it's the same for every scale and the chord shapes are also transferable everywhere. Still thinking about buying a Kordbot though, I like the hex-ish interface, feels very techno. I'm not sure if you can add notes to any chord on it though, which would be a dealbreaker.

I like step sequencers sometimes but I personally I often feel like step sequencers and more keyboard-ish layouts don't mix that well because step sequencers tend to produce more dissonant and "wrong" note sequences whereas more traditional interface tend towards more traditionally consonant sequences and harmonies.

So, how do you guys do it? Do you play everything in live on a traditional piano keyboard? Or do you use alternative layouts like on the PUSH or the LinnStrument? Are you into piano-roll composing? Do you use hardware/software step sequencers? How much of the midi/note information do you quantize edit in the DAW afterwards?

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by Lost to the Void »

I think of a melody, then sometimes I`ll play it out on a keyboard if I can`t get it clear in my head, then I plot it out on the piano roll. Easy peasy.

Never use step sequencers, they suck for melody, unless you are a "punch in random notes then dial in random pitches" kinda guy. But are ok for drums I guess.

I definitely want a kordbot.
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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by terryfalafel »

When writing on hardware, Cirklon sequencer. When on software, the Cubase piano roll. I play in chords and stuff but use the keyboard a lot less for recording MIDI than sequencing directly.

I used a Doepfer MAQ16 / 3 before the Cirklon. That was brilliant fun for wonky techno and happy accidents but was a pain to take an idea or melody in your head and then program it.

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by Mattias »

Different approaches depending on mood.

Often I hit keys on my MIDI keyboard and record it quickly and shape the sound till I get something that is interesting
enough to trigger a melody, chords or sequence in my head.

Or just hitting rec and jamming away (or have a distinct melodic idea in mind) on my MIDI keyboard.
Then use sections I like most, rearrange / cut / paste sections in a piano roll.

Or step sequencing for machine-sounds. Not in a piano roll but on a synth / machine.

Or get a certain tone out of the type of sounds just happening and play a melody inspired by that.
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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by dubdub »

Lost to the Void wrote:I think of a melody, then sometimes I`ll play it out on a keyboard if I can`t get it clear in my head, then I plot it out on the piano roll. Easy peasy.

Never use step sequencers, they suck for melody, unless you are a "punch in random notes then dial in random pitches" kinda guy. But are ok for drums I guess.

I definitely want a kordbot.
I'm still waiting for that 3 hour Kordbot video that explains all the features in detail, Youtube is surprisingly thin on this thing.

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by buffered »

qu-bit octone.
logic stock midi device/effects
reaktor sequencers (very basic ones that come with it)

simpler the better.

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by gtsm »

I guess you have to at least somewhat familiar and comfortable with the keyboard to be able to transfer a melody from your head to a track. Otherwise, it's just noodling and shooting in the dark mostly. OTOH, sometimes completely random methods work too - sometimes I will just hit totally random keys on the keyboard in a random order and later find a short loop that I like. This works for rolling basslines best. Also, there's this audio to midi function in ableton which can generate midi notes from your humming or other audio sources.

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by ZenoSupreme »

I use my keyboard (on whitch I type) as a midi keyboard to find a melody. Once I found something I like, I draw it in my pianoroll with y mouse. This is temporary till I get myself a midi keyboard again...

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by Evert »

It depends on the sound.

I draw drums and percussive sounds on the piano roll.
I use the keyboard of my laptop or my Minilogue for things like pads, stabs and more melodic sounds.
Sometimes I have a clear melody in my head that I try to play out, other times I just record some notes and pick out sections I like.

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by nomadjames »

I use a bunch of different methods, Push, keyboards, step sequencers...

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by over9000 »

midi key board mostly.
i try to find a simple sequence and then start to process the shit out of it with delays to create a groove. then when i have something satisfying i may change the notes in the midi clip. can get interesting results like that.
this is some trial & error / lucky accident method because

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by Lost to the Void »

dubdub wrote:
Lost to the Void wrote:I think of a melody, then sometimes I`ll play it out on a keyboard if I can`t get it clear in my head, then I plot it out on the piano roll. Easy peasy.

Never use step sequencers, they suck for melody, unless you are a "punch in random notes then dial in random pitches" kinda guy. But are ok for drums I guess.

I definitely want a kordbot.
I'm still waiting for that 3 hour Kordbot video that explains all the features in detail, Youtube is surprisingly thin on this thing.
Yeah, weird huh?
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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by Monreal »

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by Lost to the Void »

Yeah watched that yesterday.
Definitely want one.
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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by Shift_24 »

I usually draw the notes directly with mouse, but I think it depends if you're focusing in some more melodic stuff or just a loopy simple melody (I'm in the last group)

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by Prophän »

Drawing in piano roll, or using microbrute's very limited sequencer, sometimes I also play on a midi keyboard and record using the quantize function in ableton

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by WOLF! »

RS7000 or Zaquencer. Input to those 2 sequencers coming from a synth (with or without arp enabled).
Doesn't matter really what device; I just have a preference for a hardware sequencer.
Drawing notes with the mouse doesn't feel like making music for me.
I don't like that way of working because I'm on the mouse for most of my working hours.

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by msl »

95% of the time I play the keys for bass and melodies. For drums usually prefer XOX and placing notes on the grid.

Somethings just have to played in by hand to get the groove right, esp bass and percussion. Been wanting to buy some real pads like the new Nord Drum.

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by Amøbe »

I'm so bad at keeping time, when I have to play anything but guitar. I usually play the MIDI in and then correct the recorded midi in the piano roll (because it's boogers!). And then if I want to add some voicing I draw that in.

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Re: How do you guys play/generate the notes in your tracks?

Post by Mslwte »

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