Matt Altman - Untitled 01

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Matt Altman - Untitled 01

Post by MattAltmanMusic »

Hey everyone! This is my first track posting of something I finished today. I would love some feedback on pretty much everything. It's my first time experimenting with "Detroit" chords as well, so if there's a way to make them sound better I am all ears. My major influence for this one I would say is Truncate if that helps. Thank you guys! ... -3/s-u5XNX

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Re: Matt Altman - Untitled 01

Post by Aurongroove »

Very well organized track to listen to.

On the technical side of things I suggest a couple "breathing holes" of short passages, maybe just 2 or 4 beats long, without the kick, or bass, or both (like what occurs @ 3:23), just so the ear gets a better idea of the impressive levels of low end the track is pumping out.

When the kick and bass are 'always on' (like they are from 0:00 until 2:26, and from 3:25 until the end), the ear gets used to the levels and it makes the track sound less-massive by familiarity and absence-of-contrast.

It also makes a less handy mix then it needs to be becasue the DJ may have to depend on the dynamic events of the other track to punch it's way during one of that track's structural moments, or, create one in this track with EQ pots, or, have to settle for a very long very smooth mix.
At the moment the only time the low end backs off, is during the structural events, and there are only "one and a half" of them, and they're right in the center of the track.

In general everything about the sound is smart and proper and done the right way; a smidgen more character wouldn't be the worst thing for a track like this, but that's a harder thing to define.
In general, you're SUPER going in the right direction, and far along as well.
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Re: Matt Altman - Untitled 01

Post by jordanneke »

Those chords are too saturated/overdriven for me. I'd eq them more to take away some of the mids and have more High passed off the low end. I'd also reduce the wet of the distortion, try adding some more gentle compression after the eq. They are a bit big and messy now.

They take up too much room and don't evolve too much for the time that they are in.

I'd think about introducing them earlier, and having them tease the listener with what's about to come, perhaps having them as one shots occasionally before the break, or having them filter in gently. The problem is that before the break, it just sounds like a really long intro. You also could think about having the chords come in fully during the break, and then increase tension by automating some reverb, so by the end of the break only the reverbed chords are playing

Other than that, i like it.

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Re: Matt Altman - Untitled 01

Post by MattAltmanMusic »

Thank you for the feedback guys! @aurongroove I definitely understand what you're saying. I think I have a few ideas to make it more interesting and less stagnant.

@jordanneke Good idea... Maybe use the lead as an atmosphere at low volume before. Play with the attack a little and some panning.

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Re: Matt Altman - Untitled 01

Post by bounduk »

The kick and bass are solid, only point with those are what @aurongroove said.
I'm not big on the stabby thing (don't really know how to describe it, it's kinda constant through the tune and sounds like "aaaaaaargh" haha), I'd make it much wetter with reverb and I'm not too keen on using reverse cymbals, I just think it can sound a little obvious/cliche personally. I think the little sine bleep think could maybe just be more atmospheric like you mention above.
I like the chords, they could maybe be cut a bit around the 500hz mark and maybe consider playing your automation live so you can adjust things like reverb and delay in a more natural way and you can sorta get in the vibe a bit with it. Maybe play with the filter cutoff and stuff.

Very good production overall though, you obv know what you're doing.

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