KLanghelm MJUC Tip

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Lost to the Void
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KLanghelm MJUC Tip

Post by Lost to the Void »

So I keep coming back to this compressor, it`s so versatile and it just sounds so good.
I`ve been using it to get a really goopy saturated sound as of late, and it was purely by playing with a function I never use, which is the reference calibration.
If you start pulling the reference down from default you`ll get a much more drivable saturation and a more gluey syrupy sound.
The behaviour changes a fair amount.
I`m getting really nice pinned and cohesive, gooey punchy mixes that have that MAstered by Nilz @ The Exchange sound.

A little bit of secret sauce for you, give it a try, buy it if you don`t have it, it`s a no brainer.

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Re: KLanghelm MJUC Tip

Post by Merah »

man, this looks lovely, will have to grab a demo for now
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Re: KLanghelm MJUC Tip

Post by speen »

I used a crack for a while until I got rid of all unsupported plugins and it's great. thanks for mentioning it, i will buy it sometime soon.

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Re: KLanghelm MJUC Tip

Post by Divjak »

Great tip, makes the MJUC even more versatile. Thanks!
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Re: KLanghelm MJUC Tip

Post by Barfunkel »

Thanks for the tip, will surely try it. I use the MJUC all the time on my projects, such a lovely yet affordable compressor.
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Re: KLanghelm MJUC Tip

Post by Rickskii »

great tip, thanks..

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Re: KLanghelm MJUC Tip

Post by over9000 »

Thx :)
Use mjuc on all projects on the master, will defo try that!

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Re: KLanghelm MJUC Tip

Post by timc3 »

Yeah, it's an excellent plugin at an amazing price.

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Re: KLanghelm MJUC Tip

Post by TheDarkInstall »

Good info.

I have experimented with MJUC a fair bit, and A/B'd with Waves CLA-2A as well.

When A/Bing, the difference is very slight between the two; I find MJUC has a more coherent, together sound however, which seems to appreciate a very delicate touch. CLA by comparison seems quite upfront and slamming, but in a less nice way, if that makes sense.

I am still not sure what the Mk1/2/3 versions in MJUC actually do, but tend to stick with Mk2 as that is where I have done most of my messing about.

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Re: KLanghelm MJUC Tip

Post by Lost to the Void »

TheDarkInstall wrote:
Thu Mar 09, 2023 6:58 am
Good info.

I have experimented with MJUC a fair bit, and A/B'd with Waves CLA-2A as well.

When A/Bing, the difference is very slight between the two; I find MJUC has a more coherent, together sound however, which seems to appreciate a very delicate touch. CLA by comparison seems quite upfront and slamming, but in a less nice way, if that makes sense.

I am still not sure what the Mk1/2/3 versions in MJUC actually do, but tend to stick with Mk2 as that is where I have done most of my messing about.
Bit of a weird comparison as the compressors are based on a very different topology.

I wouldn't put an LA2A in anywhere near the range of versatility as the MJUC. You have no envelope control at all, you don`t really get proper sidechain EQ versatility, and no where near the options of ratio, saturation etc etc
You definitely don`t need a delicate touch with the MJUC, you can slam it pretty hard before it breaks up and the envelopes have a huge range between the 3 different modes. It can be up front and slamming, especially with the bias cranked, high ratio, short attack, density on and istage off, but it can also be syrupy and gluey, or gentle and transparent like an optical.

The difference between those 2 compressors is really wide, you made a very odd comparison.
The LA2A is useful and a great compressor for sure, but yeah, odd comparison.
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